Governor Bryan Vetoes 3 Bills Passed by Lawmakers
Bryan also signed Bill No. 35-0117, relating to the composition, qualifications, terms, and compensation of the members of the Real Estate Commission into law.
Note: In this article, the word fungi is pronounced ‘foon-gee.’ Learn more about the traditional dish of the U.S. Virgin Islands, fish, and fungi in this issue of the St. Thomas Source.

Governor Albert Bryan, Jr. acted on 19 bills passed by the 35th Legislature during the body’s June 24th session. Bryan vetoed three bills and acknowledged the 35th Legislature’s confirmation of two directors to serve on the Waste Management Authority’s Board of Directors, Lindel A. Williams of St. Croix and Conn J. Davis, II of St. Thomas.
Vetoed Bills
Bryan vetoed Bill No. 35-0193, an Act relating to real estate brokers, sales associates, and property managers. In his transmittal letter to Senate President Novelle Francis Jr., Governor Bryan wrote that while he applauds the intent to create uniformity and standards for excellence in the Real Estate Industry, this measure creates an unnecessary barrier to entry for persons interested in pursuing a career as a property manager. Instead of creating another professional license category under the Real Estate Commission, Governor Bryan has directed the DLCA (Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs) to create a new business license category for property managers and to adopt best practice standards for the trade to emulate.
Bryan also vetoed Bill No. 35-0215, an Act relating to handgun training and the term of firearm licensure. In his transmittal letter, he wrote, “Although I support mandating a training course for all licensed gun owners, this bill imposes a training requirement upon renewal rather than at initial licensure, where it is most appropriate. I recommend that the bill be modified to require handgun training prior to initial licensure, and at reasonable intervals, such as every 10 years thereafter.”
Bill No. 35-0236, an Act amending title 3 Virgin Islands Code by adding chapter 33A to enact the “21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act ” to improve governmental agency digital services, and for other purposes. Governor Bryan wrote that “It would be irresponsible to sign this expensive and cumbersome measure into law, knowing that it is unfunded and that we are not able to meet the ambitious timeline proposed by the measure.”
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Signed Into Law
Bill No. 35-0230, an Act repealing section 11 of Act No. 6570, as amended, and amending title 20 Virgin Islands Code related to the inspection and licensing of automobiles for hire.
Bill No. 35-0078, an Act amending title I Virgin Islands Code, chapter 7 establishing “Fish and Fungi” as the official dish of the Virgin Islands and “Tart” as the official dessert of the Virgin Islands and other related purposes and Bill No. 35-0117, relating to the composition, qualifications, terms, and compensation of the members of the Real Estate Commission.
Bill No. 35-0291, an Act appropriating the sum of$3,000,000 from the General Fund of the Treasury of the Government of the Virgin Islands to the Department of Human Services to pay providers and vendors that participate in the Medicaid program.
Bill No. 35-0293, an Act requiring the Government of the Virgin Islands to submit a Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Reduction Plan to align with current fiscal year revenues and expenditures.
Bill No. 35-0137, Bill No. 35-0241, Bill No. 35-0244, Bill No. 35-0256, and Bill No. 35-0260 were also approved.
Leases Bill No. 35-0255, Bill No. 35-0261, Bill No. 35-0263, Bill No. 35-0264, and Bill No. 35-0265 were also approved.
Bill No. 35-0030, an Act honoring and commending Vaughn Benjamin posthumously for his contributions to reggae music in the Virgin Islands and the global communities, appropriating $45,000 to the Department of Sports, Parks, and Recreation for the design and construction of the “Vaughn Benjamin Monument” and naming the waterfront park west of the Marley Homes “The Vaughn ‘Akae Beka’ Memorial Park.
Bryan acknowledged the Legislature’s override of the veto of Bill No. 35-0115, now Act No. 8838, and thanked the Legislature for taking the initiative to amend the penalties section.
Bryan acknowledged that the 35th Legislature voted to confirm Lindel A. Williams of St. Croix, and Conn J. Davis, II of St. Thomas to the Waste Management Authority Board of Directors.